Thursday, December 25, 2008

I feel it in my fingers--I feel it in my toes..

Christmas is all around us, and so the feeling grows! I hope everyone has a great time tomorrow, on Christmas Day. Every time Christmas comes around, it reminds me why it's still my favorite time of year... Yes, even over summer wedding season. ;)

We went caroling this evening, spreading our joy to the whole world... Okay fine, so it was only to one sector of San Agustin--we'll get around to the rest of the world later. PTL the imminent rush to get out the last remaining Christmas CDs went well.

Then came the spiced wine, and presents--and when I say presents, I mean a LARGE quantity of them--the poor Christmas tree was pretty much swallowed up in all the boxes of every conceivable shape and kind with bows and wrapping paper shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. I got a vest and chocolates :-)

It's 4:00 A.M. and I'm beginning to think Santa's not gonna show. That's it, I'm going to bed.. There will be pictures of our Christmas adventures put up soon :)

'Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night'

Monday, December 8, 2008


Yes indeed, ladies and gentlemen, at long last after nearly 5 years, I'm back on the court... well at least I was, for a couple hours today. At Contigo, I just find out they still have hockey equipment and play at a place near their house. Needless to say, I dropped everything I was doing and headed out today for some high-sticking, fast-skating and heavy-hitting hockey fun.

Actually, we didn't do any of those things, but we had a blast anyway, with me and Alf facing off against Leyland, Liz and Mauro. I can't remember who came out on top, probably cause I was too happy to be skating and shooting again to worry about what the score was :-).
A great time was had by all, and absolutely no injuries were had by anyone... Sweet!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Birthday to this blog's other half!

Have a good one man! Muchas felicidades, feliz cumpleanos and all that. 19's a good age, I remember back when I was... wait a tick... I AM 19! Totally forgot. But not for much longer though (I'm subtly changing the subject from Richy's birthday to mine! Haha!)

All goofs aside, Richy's pretty much a hardcore hombre and definitley deserves lots of mention on his special day. Wish you a really hot year, with lots of just the right things happening... we'll have a B.O.L reunion this Christmas, until then... sayonara!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Jaco Beach!! SURFING!

Oh we had a lovely time surfing on the beaches of Costa Rica. We stayed there in an AWESOME hotel for 2 days for about 15 dollars a night. SO SWEET!

Friday, November 21, 2008

More Costa Rica!!!

This is a fishing place we went to where they had these trout that were like 2 feet long!! YUMMY!!!

Costa Rica!!! Divertido!!!!

Here are some pictures of this hardcore waterfall park we went to one day. Oh man they had some werid animals there. They also had this really good Coffee liquor that we got plenty of..........hehe!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

God is Lovely!

I was thinking of trashing this blog altogether but I have a ton of pics of Costa Rica and I guess for old times sake I'll keep it.
Have a lovely day!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I love goooooold!

I'm not going to write a longer post right now, but I was just really tired of seeing Richy's face painted like a French flag every time I came to the page.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Independance Day!!

Happy July the 4th to Y'all!! Mucho Love!!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Gosh I've totally forgotten about my blog!! I never update!!
Jamie boi is supposed to be putting junk on this blog also but I guess he's also forgotten!! Well I guess once I get some pics I'll start posting again.........its just so hard to keep up!!
For those who don't know I'm going to Costa Rica in AUGUST......YEY!! We just rented a little one bedroom house for just $150 a month.....can't wait to go. I'm on the road right now fundraising to get the money for our plane tickets......pray that all goes well!!!
Mucho love for todos!!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Mexico Trip

I went to Mexico to do a CTP..................spent a couple days at Rescate 1 to hang out with my buddies!!! Played video games, went to a teen activity where friends didn't show up.
Later on went to Das Bierhaus and Hard 8 to have some drinks.lots of FUN!

More More!

First Post in like 3 months

Thursday, April 10, 2008

"Just trying to bend the truth..." :-)

Hey everyone. It's really been a while since I've done anything on this blog, something that I'm sure the 6 or 7 people who visit here already know! But it's mostly for good reasons, and I'll hopefully be posting more as time goes on, if the Lord thinks it's a good idea.

Skipping past Home Censure, reason #1 is... I had tonsillitis. Pretty badly too. The whole affair lasted more than a week... you would have thought I'd have had time to post stuff, just laying there in bed for that long. I guess not being able to swallow made me forget about it. :-)

Reason #2... Been doing a whole lot of this (see below)

That is, been doing lots and lots of work. Ignore the fact that I'm actually just pretending to work in these pics... it was for real this time. :) We had to build a loft (look it up, they're so hot right now) in time for our resident pregnant mother (Amanda) to give birth, and it left us about 3 days from start to finish to get that whole thing up. That meant working till considerably late hours of the night, such as 1:00, 3:00, and finally 5:00 A.M on the last day. It was intense, and I'm so glad I was able to take part. Gabriel and I discovered when you stay up working till 4:00 A.M you start to say really profound and unexpected words, ones you didn't even think were in your vocabulary, and lose feeling in the tips of your fingers.
Needless to say, we had a great time. Here's some one-word praises from this time:

Thank you Lord for...

-maple syrup

Speaking of coffee... since Daylight Savings robbed me of an hour of sleep I've had a really hard time keeping my eyes open at devotions... usually I can manage staying awake for at least half. I hope everyone else sleeps better than I do.. :)

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Snow Snow Snow!

I t was so cool i had to get some shots of it. I haven't seen snow in like 3 years it was awesome!!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

New Home members

Here's some shots of some of the people I'm living with.
Sorry I haven't posted in a while but I'm hoping to post more in the future. As of now I haven't had much time........moving you quite the trip.
My new home is cool....interesting and definitely different then thee Rescate.... but I'm enjoying it....LOVE YOU ALL!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Happy Valentines DAY!!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

The breaking of the Felllowship

It had to happen, it was only a matter of time really.

I pretty much never thought me and Richard would be apart for like, more than a couple days.

But then he started talking about ridiculous things like "going", "moving", "relocating", and "head", and I knew something would happen soon. One thing led to another, and before you know it, he's out of Rescate's door faster than you can say renovate an orphanage.
Even though I've only known him for a year or so, that time's been packed with too many awesome and crazy fun memories to count. Let's see if I can think a few:

-Game nights with beer, sprite and enough laughter to give most normal people heart attacks.
-Movie watching-times... and see above, except add on more laughter if it was a black movie :)
-Doing lots of construction, yard work, and ballooning while discussing women
-Walmart trips on freedays
-Feria del Taco trips on freedays
-Valle Oriente trips on freedays
-Partying a really large amount, with our prize-winning dance moves in abundance
-Singing songs beautifully until Richy starts to harmonize and I follow or go off key...
-Exchanging Roman handshakes and high fives at every opportunity to the chargrin of our Home members
-Beating pretty much everyone who ever played against us in soccer, while discussing women.
-Our many travels throughout Monterrey, Mexia and ... other places
-Basically, us being insane and crazy hombres for Jesus at every opportunity

So as you can see, Richy's been an integral part to pretty much the whole time I've lived here and then some. And if the Brotherhood of Love were a pie chart, there'd be a big quarter piece missing out of it.

But as much as I think he's a complete sleeve on wizard for leaving, I know it's for the best and there's probably all sorts of really sweet and incredible things around the corner for him, which totally won't be a waste of your talent, Randy.
Anyways I love you lots man... it's been great living with you... hope to see you sometime soon...we'll watch a prison break episode and discuss women. si siempre quedas afuera de la galleta, todo seria bien... dame cinco huey!
YAy :)

Monday, February 4, 2008


Great freeday!!!!! Yummy Chilis!!